Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm Creative- Deal With It

Hello World,
I will, on occasion, hear that most cliche of questions eventually asked to all authors... "Where do you get your ideas?" I have by no means reached the level of annoyance purported by the famous writers out there (what a wonderful problem I hope to one day have), but I can see how it could get that way.

I mean, seriously, why is it that "I'm just a creative person," isn't a good enough answer for these people? Because the truth really is that simple.
Is it because my very creativity requires, in their minds, that I am required to produce some kind of brilliant, enlightening answer that could somehow transform anyone into an author? Is it because they hope to gain a wonderful anecdote for their water-cooler moments? No, I think the truth is much simpler than that. In my humble opinion, the people who ask that kind of question usually have an honest interest in the life of an author... but they lack the creativity themselves to ask more pertinent, engaging questions. And it's not their fault. I'm the creative one, after all.

I remember my first official interview. My college roommate (a future news reporter) needed to do one for a class and he instinctively chose me as his subject. I can't recall any of his questions, though I know they were few and they were good. He hadn't prepped me on them, at that had scared me a little, but each had elicited my excitement. I also can't recall my answers, other than that I felt like I had probably talked too much and might have ruined his project. What I do recall is his reaction when it was over. He essentially called me the perfect interviewee because, he claimed, I was exciting to watch and he didn't need to do any real work. I told him he had it all wrong. HE was clearly the perfect interviewER because his questions were interesting and worthy of my time. Rather than feeling like I was doing my roomie a favor, I had actually enjoyed myself. In the end, we agreed we had both used our respective talents and had simply done what came naturally.

That was probably the first time in my life I truly felt like a storyteller, because given the opportunity that's just what I had done. I became inspired and used my natural creativity to tell an engaging story. I had never seen myself in that light before. And today I can confidently state that it's simply what I do. It's who I am.

Creatively yours,

Ps: Yesterday's Writing Results: Ahhhhhhhhh, fuck it. Let's just admit it, I've been a lazy piece of shit for a week now. The answer, once again, is zero. I did, however, go to my weekly writing group and listen to other authors share the writing they've actually accomplished. Strangely enough, that never adds to my guilt. It only inspires me. I was actually very close to doing some work last night, but the late night and a rare, splitting headache knocked me on my ass.


  1. Creativity:

    2 people see the same item. One sees it for what it is... the other sees it for what it can be...

    And that is the world of difference.

    In my field, I see people talk about kids being 'troubled'... I see them as being eccentric, but needing a bit of guidance... maybe some focus. You play with words and paper, I play with people...

    Thank goodness you're the one into horror.... *laugh*

  2. That's my favorite comment thus far. Witty, insightful, funny. You just made my day.
