Monday, December 2, 2013

I Hate Mondays

Hello World,
I know, I know. You hate Mondays too. Welcome to the human race, right?
Fair enough. But my Mondays- right now at least- have a unique collection of annoyances that impede upon my writing abilities.

First of all, Mondays are my 'duty' days at school (I'm a teacher, remember) which means I'm automatically short a half hour of my already-preciously little "free" time. Usually I'll take care of emails during this time... or, to be honest, play a videogame (see my earlier post, "Addicting Personality"). But never on Mondays. :(

But Mondays are also the first day utilized at school for parent conferences. These are always in lieu of other meetings, but I'd rather have a meeting with other teachers than with a parent who may or may not turn out to be pissed or crazy or both. (Today's parent meeting was blessedly 'normal').

Mondays are also faculty meetings, and these are a unique level of hell that only other teachers can fully understand. The worst part about them is the unknown factor. We never know what speeches, chores, new initiatives, or upcoming-and-class-interrupting-assemblies we get to learn about.

But when that's finally all over and I "get" to leave work and do my own thing...? For the past several weeks I've been tutoring right after school. Now don't get me wrong, I like tutoring, and it's great (necessary) to get a little extra money, but it's also another Time-Sponge. Not only is it another hour-plus stolen from my Mondays, it's also about two hours of prep time at some point over the weekend.

...unless I spent the awakens eating turkey and driving all day lime I just did, which means I worked through lunch again in order to be ready in time.

[insert plug for comments, fans, etc. here]

Wearily yours,

Ps: Yesterday's Writing Results: No new writing. Very bad for a weekend. I can claim it was the 8-hour drive home that did me in. That, however, would be a lie. 

Pps: My guilt level has been rising lately. Perhaps I'll actually write tonight to assuage some of those demon voices.

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